
Name Last Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Date of Death Place of Death
Neđo Lubura 1922 1942 Beisfjord
Desimir Lukić 1910 1942 Karasjok
Dragomir Lukić 1926 1943 Korgen
Jordan Lukić 1922 1943 Botn
Krstonije Lukić 1917 1942 Tromse
Miloš Lukin 1923 1942 Beisfjord
Ljubo Lunava 1917 1942 Beisfjord
Života Lupulović 1901 1942 Karasjok, u bekstvu
Nenad Lužajić 1942 Beisfjord
Mijo Maček 1943 Osen